THE most beautiful ring I've ever owned
The bar which holds the rings together allows them to fit comfortably, shift minimally, and stay in whatever position I wish them to be in for the day. As I use my hands to work, type, cook, wash dishes, or shower, none of the stones or flower snag against anything. They moonstones reflect mostly light blues & lilac. I will buy from this artisan again because the design of the ring along with the mixed metals and textures of each ring gives me exactly what I want: a magnificent work of art that I wear daily.
Jul 31, 2018
Modern and classic
I loved this trio ring so much that I bought two and wear them together for a chunky modern look. Neptune has designed them simply, but they have wonderful luster. The rings move around as you wear them so the different colors are always changing. I wear them on my middle finger for added pizazz and I wear them almost every day. Great fun!
Jun 25, 2018
It is the PERFECT fit and stunningly elegant!