Feb 21, 2022
The power of a dragon
This is a stunning piece for anyone (of any gender) who loves dragons or who could benefit from the energy of a dragon. I am a woman and found this pendant very appealing, so I bought it for myself. The pendant's narrow rectangular shape combines with the coiling border to provide an elegant frame for the dragon, which is 3-D and so detailed that you can almost see it moving sinuously. If you wanted to, you could treat the pendant as reversible, because the rear side also has the elegant coiling border, and a design of circles and dots.
Beautiful Positive Energy within''Kerala Night''
Hi Narayani......what a beautiful positive energy within your creation of ''Kerala Night'''' a powerful protection stone, Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy.''Kerala Night'' to me is one of the most powerful Onyx strand necklace, i have ever felt....what was hidden within you....is truly felt, Black Onyx aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress, confusion or grief. Black Onyx fosters wise decision-making. ''Kerala Night'' is my catalyst ....Narayani is a beautiful positive energy ''Kerala Night'' is a beautiful powerful energy that can be YOURS....blessings to you all