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fruit bowl

43 items

Featured Reviews


May 31, 2021

Hummingbird Lover

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I bought these for my mother and myself. We have a hummingbird feeder right outside our kitchen window, so it is fun to eat off of these plates and watch the hummingbirds at the feeder.


May 12, 2021


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Truth: I generally find chimes annoying. However, my daughter loves them so I ordered this for her. It has a lovely sound; especially surprising given its higher pitch. It is well made and beautifully tuned such that even a wind chime curmudgeon like me enjoys it.

Beautiful little dish

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I had special credit to use for a purchase from Novica... so rewarded myself with this lovely little dish. It will come out to serve special candy treats. It looks like it might be a good size for business cards -- or for a coin dish (for customers who need a penny or two) - so it may eventually be a gift for a friend. Very happy with my purchase!

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