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Motherly Carrier Handcrafted Ebony Wood Pregnant Woman Sculpture from Ghana
Agnes Amponsah
Bathing at a River Fair Trade Indonesian Female Form Wood Sculpture
Wayan Rendah
Happy Stretch Hand-Carved wood Sculpture of a Woman Stretching from Ghana
Raymond Yaw Afari
Sensuality Female Nude Sculpture
Akonobaa Handmade Sese Wood African Statue Sculpture
Cynthia Danquah
Cultura Hand-crafted Ceramic Female Sculpture From Nicaragua
Arlen Estrada
Adoring Mother Hand Carved Mother Cradling Baby in Arms Wood Statuette
Nyoman Sudiana
Bathing at the River Suar Wood Female Form Sculpture
Obo Unique African Hand Carved Ebony Wood Female Figurine
Abdul Aziz Mohamadu
Daydreamer Female Nude Statuette
Graceful Dancer Female Nude Sculpture
Chained Venus Rustic Scrap Metal Female Torso Sculpture
Armando Ramirez
Female Warrior, Sese Wood and Recycled Glass Bead Sculpture
Winfred Korley
Female Beauty, Abstract Female Form Wood Sculpture Hand-Carved in Bali
Sensuality, Hand Crafted Female Nude Wood Sculpture
Made Wirata
Couple with Pots, Male and Female Ebony Wood Sculptures from Ghana (Pair)
Womanly Nature, Artisan Crafted Female Form Stone Sculpture
Wayan Kandiyasa
Somuyie, Sese Wood Female Form Sculpture Crafted in Ghana
Ransford Bediako
Posing Woman, Rustic Sese Wood Female Form Sculpture from Ghana
Frank Odei Amoani
Chancay Duality, Male and Female Chancay Ceramic Replica Sculptures from Peru
Walter Jose Acosta
Sensuous Lady, Hand-Carved Suar Wood Female Form Sculpture from Bali
Flexible Female, Handmade Wood Sculpture from Bali
Leg Stretch, Hand-Carved Suar Wood Female Form Sculpture from Bali
Kadek Darmini
Graceful Movement, Hand-Carved Semi-Abstract Female Form Sandstone Sculpture
Catch It, Suar Wood Female Form Exercise Sculpture from Bali
Underworld Girl Serenade, Set of 6 Painted Classic Female Mariachi Ceramic Sculptures
Jorge Escamilla
Ama, Semi-Abstract Female Form Sese Wood Sculpture from Ghana
Divine Silhouette, Handcrafted Brown Suar Wood Sculpture of a Female Figure
Curvy and Happy, Hand Carved Suar Wood Sculpture of the Female Form
Robotic Passion, Recycled Metal Figurine of Female Robot Holding a Red Heart
Miguel 'Metal' Mejia
Bow Cat, Recycled Auto Part Figurine of Female Cat with a Red Bow
Mother's Arms, Suar Wood Mother and Child Sculpture from Bali
Komang Sri
Balinese Janger Dancer, Balinese Janger Dancer Mask in Crocodile Wood
Made Mulyani
Beautiful Janger, Hand-Carved Wood Mask of a Janger Dancer from Indonesia
Twin Spirits, Set of 2 Handcrafted Sese Wood Beaded Sculptures from Ghana
Anna Yawson
Sacred Om, Wood relief panel
Seji Taram
Lovely Sisterhood, Suar Wood Brown Sculpture Hand-Carved in Bali
Meedo, Hand Carved African Male and Female Masks (Pair)
Victoria Agyepomaa
Baule She Monkey, Ivory Coast Baule Tribe Mbra Monkey African Mask
Salihu Ibrahim
Hairling, Handcrafted Surrealist Oxidized Copper Sculpture of Woman
Aram Danielyan
Lady Merchant, Indonesian Merchant Woman Wood Sculpture from Bali Artisan
Made Resi Pastika
Bali Cat Couple in Dark Grey, Hand Made Wood Cat Sculptures Dark Grey (Pair) Indonesia
Nengah Sudarsana
Summer Shower, Hand Carved Suar Wood Sculpture of Artistic Nude
Janger Dancer, Hand Carved Balinese Janger Dancer Wood Wall Mask
Subrata Family
Kecak Janger Dancers, Hand Crafted Balinese Dancer Sculptures (Pair)
Women's Day, Hand Carved Sandstone Figure Statuette
Fante Fertility Twins, Wood sculptures (Pair)
Free Beauty, Hand-Carved Brown Suar Wood Sculpture of Flexing Woman
Elegant Lady, Ceramic statuette
Samuel Lovi
Elegant Mallard, Hand Painted Wood Female Mallard Duck Statuette from Bali
Oleg Dance, Hand Painted Balinese Egg Sculpture
Ketut Bungkling
Human Beauty, Balinese Handcrafted Brown Suar Wood Sculpture of a Woman
Bambara Antelope, Wood Antelope Sculpture Crafted in West Africa
Solola, Hand-Painted Angel-Themed Folk Art Ceramic Figurine
Monica de Castellanos
Inspiration, Sandstone sculpture
Santa Maria Chiquimula, Ceramic Angel Sculpture Painted by Hand in Guatemala
Todo Santos, Hand-Painted Guatemalan Folk Art Ceramic Figurine of Angel
Magnificent Huang, Unique Rain Tree Wood Sculpture on Stand
Jaifah Aksornsri
Dance of Happiness, Hand-Carved Inspirational Suar Wood Sculpture of a Woman
Owl Couple, Hand Made Wood Bird Sculpture
Petite San Sebastian, Hand-Painted Ceramic Sculpture of Angel from Guatemala
Fante Fertility Doll III, Fair Trade African Hand Carved Wood Fertility Doll Figurine
Emmanuel Opoku Asante
Earth Goddess Spirits, Burkina Faso Wood Mask
Fante Fertility Doll IV, Traditional Fante Style African Wood Fertility Sculpture
Kecak Janger, Janger Dance-Inspired Suar Wood Wall Sculpture from Bali
Solola in White, Lovely Hand-Painted Angel-Themed Ceramic Sculpture
Santo Domingo Xenacoj, Guatemalan Hand-Painted Ceramic Sculpture of Angel
Petite Tamahu, Colorful Folk Art Ceramic Sculpture of Angel from Guatemala
Petite Solola, Folk Angel Ceramic Sculpture Hand-Painted in Guatemala
Sita, Elaborately Carved Wood Sculpture of Sita from Bali
Petite Santiago Atitlan, Lovely Hand-Painted Ceramic Angel Sculpture from Guatemala
Coban, Guatemalan Hand-Painted Folk Art Ceramic Angel Sculpture
Petite San Pedro La Laguna, Ceramic Angel Sculpture Painted by Hand in Guatemala
Santiago Atitlan, Guatemalan Hand-Painted Colorful Ceramic Angel Sculpture
Adowa Dancer, African Woman Tribal Dancer Hand Carved Wood Sculpture
Kennedy K. Aseidu
San Pedro Sacatepequez, Colorful Hand-Painted Angel-Themed Ceramic Sculpture
Catrina with Pineapple, Day of the Dead Catrina Papier Mache Statuette
Marina Lozano
Maya Woman at the Loom, Maya Cedar Wood Sculpture of a Woman Weaving
Nicolas Chavez Sojuel
Catrina with Macaw, Handmade Papier Mache Catrina Sculpture with Macaw
Female Spiritual Healer, Liberia wood mask
Catrina with Watermelon, Hand Crafted Catrina Skeleton Sculpture from Mexico
Catrina in Red, Hand Crafted Papier Mache Catrina Sculpture with Hat
Dancing Catrina in Blue, Dancing Catrina Handmade Papier Mache Statuette
Catrina with Apron, Apron-Clad Papier Mache Catrina Statuette
Wood relief panel, 'Sacred Om'
Jun 16, 2016
Lovely Ohm Carving
This is a beautifully carved wood piece. It has a small hanger on the back at the top and I have it hanging on the wall with some other Buddhist items. I would definitely purchase more items from this artist.
Wood sculpture, 'Magnificent Huang'
Oct 11, 2017
Wood sculpture "Magnificent Huang"
The craftmanship is gorgeous. Very spectacular and lovely. So pleased with my purchase. - Thank you -
Wood sculpture, 'Curvy and Happy'
Jun 10, 2021
She is perfect
Much larger than I thought. Then again, so am I. I smile every time I look at her. Thanks for the celebration.