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crystal sculpture

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Featured Reviews

Elaine F.

Dec 5, 2020

Adored by friend

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A beautifully made Parrot. So colourful in the shades of yellow to green and the marking of the feathers are so precise. This was purchased for private use but purchased a second as a gift for a friend who was so taken by the bird.

A beautiful memorial

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The white moth is a symbol of a visiting ancestor. Butterflies were my God Mother's favorite so I got the to go with her picture. It's beautiful


Jun 5, 2017

"Life Force" caught my eye!

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When I spotted this combination I didn't hesitate buying one. I am gemstone collector and love learning about the mystical healing powers of gemstones like, Celestite, Onyx, Aragonite, Jasper and Serpentine, just to name a few. I just received it over the weekend and I know; as soon as my granddaughters spot it I will have a hard time keeping them from constantly picking it up. I will be buying more gemstone sculptures like this obelisk. Thank you Cesar Gonzales for creating beautiful pieces of art from mother natures beautiful creations.

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