NOVICA's Bridesmaid Gifts collection features fair-trade handcrafted gifts by global artisans. From keepsake jewelry to picture frames, our unique gifts are a way to honor those who've shared your happiness on your very special day.
The size is perfect for casual wear and work. This isn't a solid piece of stamped metal. It's made up of small, individual circles of silver connected by the side rails. I appreciate the handcrafted and detailed texture.
My mom introduced me to Novica, mentioned in passing that she loved this artisan and this particular jewelry set. So I am absolutely certain she will be very excited to receive this necklace and earring set for Xmas!
"My mother is my inspiration. She and I still design together, especially the floral and bird motifs that are typical in Pekalongan batik."
Latest Update"I'm Yuni Kristina and I was born in 1983 in Pekalongan, Central Java. As part of Pekalongan regency, Wonokerto is known as the... read more